Just Breathe

It’s easy to forget that breathing is a great exercise to help the lymphatic system.

When I’m going to try and clear swelling (before doing the Flexitouch medical pump in bed.)

Step 1: I will lie down on my back.

Step 2: I’ll then take my right hand and place it, palm down on my upper left clavical of my chest.

Step 3: I’ll gently, but firmly, push my hand in a c-stroke, make a smiley face “swoop” in an upside down rainbow motion towards my left shoulder 10-15 times.

This helps to prep the body.

Step 4: Then, I’ll take 10-15 deep belly breaths by breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth as my stomach inflates as much as possible.

Step 5: Once I’ve (hopefully) cleared my stomach of lymphatic fluid, it can then act like a vacuum to help suck up fluid from other places. I then place my right hand, palm down by my left clavicle and make an upside-down rainbow again to push the fluid out to my left shoulder blade. I repeat this motion but with my left hand on my right clavicle.

It is more important if you are limited on time to push towards the left shoulder blade since the lymphatic watershed is much bigger and covers most of the body.

Dawn Reiss

Dawn Reiss is a Chicago-based journalist. 


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